Friday, December 19, 2008

Unit 4

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
صَبَرَ sabara he was patient
ظَلَمَ zalama he wronged
عَرَفَ ‘arafa he recognized
غَفَرَ ghafara he forgave
قَدَرَ qadara he restricted
كَذَبَ kadhaba he lied
كَسَبَ kasaba he earned
سَمِعَ sami‘a he heard
حَسِبَ hasiba he thought
حَفِظَ hafiza he guarded
خَسِرَ khasira he lost
رَحِمَ rahima he had mercy on someone

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Unit 3

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
شَكَرَ shakara he was grateful
صَدَقَ sadaqa he told the truth
عَبَدَ ‘abada he worshiped
فَسَقَ fasaqa he transgressed
قَتَلَ qatala he killed
قَعَدَ qa‘ada he sat
كَتَبَ kataba he decreed
كَفَرَ kafara he disbelieved
مَكَرَ makara he plotted
نَظَرَ nazara he looked
ضَرَبَ daraba he set forth
حَمَلَ hamala he carried

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Unit 2

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
بَعَثَ ba‘atha he raised
جَعَلَ ja‘ala he placed
جَمَعَ jama‘a he gathered
تَرَكَ taraka he left
حَشَرَ hashara he gathered
حَكَمَ hakama he judged
خَرَجَ kharaja he came out
خَلَقَ khalaqa he created
دَخَلَ dakhala he entered
ذَكَرَ dhakara he remembered
رَزَقَ razaqa he provided
سَجَدَ sajada he prostrated

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic

Unit 1

Learn 80 percent vocabulary of the Qur'an

Download MP3 of examples with translations for the following wordlist

Word Transliteration Meaning
فَعَلَ fa‘ala he did
فَتَحَ fataha he revealed
بَعَثَ ba‘atha he sent
جَعَلَ ja‘ala he made
جَمَعَ jama‘a he collected
ذَهَبَ dhahaba he went
رَفَعَ rafa‘a he raised
صَلَحَ salaha he acted righteously
لَعَنَ la‘ana he cursed
نَفَعَ nafa‘a he benefited
نَصَرَ nasara he helped
بَلَغَ balagha he reached

Please visit to practice these words.

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic

Friday, December 12, 2008

About This Blog

The main focus of the site is to help the users learn and understand the Arabic of the Holy Qur’an.
The following video describes how to use this site:

Please send all your comments and suggestions to:

This blog is based on the 80% Qur’anic wordlist found in the following site:

learn arabic, learning arabic, arabic vocabulary, quranic arabic, understand quran, quran arabic, learn quranic arabic